Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Doubling Your Brain Power

 Don'€™t you want to think faster, remember more and comprehend more information? Here are some methods to achieve those results. 
Five Steps to Memorizing Anything

1. Believe you will remember
It'€™s easy to think you will forget anyway, be careful of that thought

2. Make it your intention to remember
Just this alone has helped me to not forget immediately the name of someone I just met

3. Visualize
The clearer the better and remember to engage all senses if possible.

4. Command yourself to remember
It seems silly, but it does work.

5. Review
The very next day, review the materials. Then schedule periodic reviews therafter

Listening Techniques

1. Actively listen, fight your minds urge to wander.

2. Ask the question: €œWhat is the speaker"€™s main point?

3. While listening, think of questions you may ask later.

4. Don'€™t let key points pass you by without gaining clarification. If you do, following the rest of the talk will be difficult.

Using the Six Modes of Thinking

Employ each of these when pondering a situation.

1. Objective Thinking
Detach yourself and use logic.

2. Critical Thinking
Look for all negative aspects.

3. Positive Thinking
Look for all positive aspects.

4. Creative Thinking
€œThink outside the box. Entertain all ideas and don'€™t question the ideas just yet, let them flow. Mind Maps are a good tool for this type of analysis.

5. Intuitive Thinking
Listen to your emotions.

6. Modal Thinking
Examine your personal biases towards the subject.

Evaluating Information

1. Watch for ambiguous language or undefined terms.

2. Examine the source and the authors background.

3. Look for generalizations.

4. Check how current the information is.

5. See if the facts are supported only by analogy.

6. Look for supporting evidence.

7. Where are the facts coming from?


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