Thursday, August 30, 2007
Changyinghku valley from Kachin Special Region (1)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Majan Shang Zinlum ladat hte Wireless matut mahkai wunkat yu poi (NDAK)
Letters Reveal Mother Teresa's Secret
CBS news kaw hti hkrup ai mau na zawn nga ai Mother Teresa na lam hpe share galaw dat ai.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A Trip to North-eastern Region
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
MIT (KSF-Insein) Photo
Ndai gaw laiwa sai July shata 28 ya shani MIT (Insein) kaw Kachin Students Fellowship kawn na galaw ai " Jinghpaw Wunpawng sha ni a Num wawn Num la hte seng nna sharin hpawng hte "Sakse Ningli , Myu a Kasi" ngu ai ga baw hte Ga shagawp shingjawng ai lamang na sumla re.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Tips For Keeping the Peace
- Slow down the action. Many fights and arguments get out of control very fast. Before reacting, take a deep breath, count to 10 to buy time to think. If possible, find a way to excuse yourself from the situation for a moment so that you can collect yourself.
- Listen well. Don't interrupt. Hear the other person out. Making eye contact, nodding, and saying "uh-huh" are ways to show you are listening. It helps to paraphrase or state in your own words what you hear the other person saying.
- Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. In a conflict between two people, each person has feelings, each person has a point of view. You may not agree with the other person, but try to understand where s/he is coming from. Ask open-ended questions to get information about how the other person sees things. Try to listen with an open mind. If you see that you have done something wrong, don't hesitate to apologize.
- Acknowledge the other person's feelings. When people believe they've been listened to, they generally become less angry and more open to listening to what the other person has to say. Statements like "I can see you're angry" or "You really feel strongly about this" tend to diffuse the anger and open up communication.
- Be strong without being mean. Express your needs and your point of view forcefully, but without "dissing" or putting the other person down. Use "I-messages" to communicate how you are feeling rather than "You-messages" that put the blame on the other person. Name-calling, blaming, bossing and threatening tend to block communication and escalate conflict.
- Try to see a conflict as a problem to be solved, rather than a contest to be won. Attack the problem, not the other person. Try to get away from fighting over who's right and who's wrong. Ask instead: What do I need? What does the other person feel they need? Is there a way we can both get what we want?
- Set your sights on a "win-win" solution. In a win-win solution, both parties get what they want and come away happy. This requires good listening on both sides and creative thinking. If a win-win solution is not possible, you many have to settle for a compromise, where each person gets something and gives up something. A compromise is a lot better than violence.
- If you don't seem to be getting anywhere in solving a conflict, ask for help. Of course, you'll need agreement from the other person that help is needed and you'll have to agree on who the third party should be. But a third party can be helpful. Try to find someone who is a good listener. Tell the third party their role is to help the people in the conflict talk with each other, not to take sides.
- Remember that conflict, handled well, can lead to personal growth and better relationships. Try to see the conflict as an opportunity. Working through the conflict with a friend can lead to greater closeness. Hearing other points of view can introduce us to new ideas and increase our understanding of ourselves and other people.
- The true heroes and sheroes of today's world are not the Rambos. They are those who have the courage and intelligence to deal with conflict in creative, nonviolent ways.
Pangwa lahta tsang jawng
NDAK uphkang ginra hta lahta tsang jawng ngu na gaw.... Pangwa lahta tsang jawng langai sha nga nga ai. Ndai jawng kaw.. NDAK uphkang ginra kaw lawm ai mare buga hkan na jawng ma marai (500) ram hpaji sharin hkam la nga ai lam chye lu ai. Jawng hta ra nga ai (facilities) ni
Sunday, August 12, 2007
How to download and play YouTUBE video
If you want to download video from youtube, just do the following steps.
- find the URL of your favorite Youtube video
- go to one of the following sites
- paste the video URL into their download box
- click "Download" button
Top/Best YouTube Video Sites
Windows Crazy
Saturday, August 11, 2007
10 Causes and Cures of Unhappiness
One of the quickest ways to spread the sunny rays of happiness over your life is to directly confront the negative attitudes darkening your doorstep. While neither universal nor all-encompassing, the joy-stealing attitudes and corresponding cures listed below are common enough to warrant a thumbtack on the wall of many lives.
1. Jealousy: Destroy the green monster by celebrating the successes of others. If your friend succeeds, celebrate his victory as your own; if your enemy succeeds, remind yourself that jealousy is self-defeating, pointless, and merely extends an enemy’s power over you.
2. Persecution Complex: Recognize that persecution is irrelevant, since you (and only you) control the outcome of your life. Every person has a stack of obstacles placed before him; success hinges upon your ability to overcome the obstacles in your path, persecution or no.
3. Lack of Accountability: We may not control every bad thing that happens to us, but we do control how we react to those bad things. Instead of passing the buck, take responsibility for every failure so you can learn and grow.
4. Perfectionism: Stop nit picking. Perfection is rarely attainable and seldom necessary. You’re a person, not a robot. Use the 80/20 Rule whenever appropriate.
5. Excessive Reasoning: Man is blessed with a marvelous and astounding ability to reason. At its best, this ability facilitates accomplishment; at its worst, it causes spirals of perfectionism, over-thinking, and paralysis by analysis. If it’s clear you’re in a situation that cannot be improved through logic and reason, learn to let go.
6. Negativism: Remind yourself that there are just as many positive forces in the world as negative ones; your fixation on the negative is a matter of perspective and choice.
7. Assuming the Worst of Others: There is a fine line between guarding against a realistic threat and being needlessly defensive. Make sure you haven’t crossed that line. Whenever possible, give people the benefit of the doubt.
8. Low Self-Esteem: Raise your self-esteem by recognizing your accomplishments and positive qualities; further boost it by correcting the problem areas that drag you down.
9. Low Self-Efficacy: Self-efficacy is defined as faith in your ability to achieve a desired outcome. To overcome low self-efficacy, master the skills required to reach your objective. Practice, practice, practice.
10. Feelings of Meaninglessness: Inject meaning into your life by learning to follow your passion: that internal compass, guiding you toward fulfillment.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Ten strange Facts about Newton
Post nnan ka na ngu myit taw tim hpa baw post ka na nlu myit na blog langai kaw hti hkrup ai hpungtang hpaji ninghkring Issac Newton a masha nau nchye ai facts ni hpe bai.. publish galaw dat ai.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was the greatest scientist that ever lived. More than any other person, Newton was single-handedly responsible for laying the the groundwork in classical mechanics, optics, and even mathematics. Landing man on the moon? Don’t look at Einstein - it was all done with Newtonian physics.
Not many know about the man behind the science. For example, did you know that Sir Isaac was an alchemist? Or that, like Einstein, he didn’t have a very promising start? Or that he was obsessed with the Bible and tried to predict Armageddon?
Read on for more obscure facts about the life of Isaac Newton, the world’s greatest scientist:
1. Baby Newton Wasn’t Expected to Live
In 1642, the year that Galileo Galilei died, Isaac Newton was born prematurely on Christmas Day*. Named after his father, who died just three months before he was born, Isaac was a very small baby not expected to survive. His mother even said that Isaac was so small that he could have fit inside a quart mug.
2. Newton Almost Became a Farmer
Newton was born into a farming family. When he was 17, his mother insisted that he returned from school to run the family farm! Thankfully, Newton was a bad farmer and not long afterwards, his uncle successfully persuaded his mother to let him attend Trinity College in Cambridge instead.
3. Newton and His Apple: The True Story
The story (popularized by Voltaire, no less!) said that Newton was inspired when he saw a falling apple while walking around his family’s garden at Woolsthorpe Manor, to formulate his theory of universal gravitation (some version even claimed the apple fell on his head!).
Newton himself actually said that he was staring out the window in his house when he saw an apple fall from a tree.
Whatever happened to the tree? The King’s School in Grantham, Linconshire, England, where Newton went to school, claimed to have purchased the tree and moved it to its garden. Naturally, this is a bone of contention with the Woolsthorpe Manor people who are currently in charge of the upkeep of Newton’s home (now a historic site).
4. Newton was Secretive - He Rarely Published
There’s no doubt that Newton was brilliant, but what is not commonly known was that the majority of Newton’s discoveries were made between his twenty-first and twenty-seventh years. Yet, he didn’t disclose these findings to the world until years later.
Take for example Newton’s work on optics: his ground-breaking experiments on the nature of light (that ordinary white light is actually composed of a spectrum of colors) were done by 1669, when Newton was just 27 years old.Yet, he first presented his findings to the British Royal Society three years later, when he was elected as a fellow. (Source: Hart, Michael. (1998) The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History)
Newton’s secretiveness had led to many quarrels over credit. For example, when mathematician Gottfried Leibniz [wiki] published his work on calculus, Newton countered that he had invented methods for that branch of math many years previously but didn’t publish, thus sparking one of the largest controversy in mathematics:
5. Newton was Deeply Religious …
Newton’s work, particularly the laws of motion [wiki] and universal gravitation [wiki], had been used by some people to argue against the existence of God. Newton himself, however, said:
Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done."
"This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being. … This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont to be called ‘Lord God’ [pantokrator], or ‘Universal Ruler’. … The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect."
"Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors."
6. … But, He Didn’t Believe in Satan or the Holy Trinity
In spite of his deep religious conviction, Newton was unorthodox when it comes to his belief of the devil, spirits and ghosts. He also assailed people who claimed to be tempted by personal demons as deluded by their own imaginations.
This might seem like a reasonable position for a man of science, but in that era, the reverse was actually true: most learned men believed in the existence of Satan, and considered Newton’s view as blasphemous.Newton also wrote a thesis arguing against the Council of Nicaea [wiki] and the Church’s doctrine on the Holy Trinity. Realizing that his position would not be accepted by the public, Newton never published this thesis in his lifetime. Indeed, it was released 27 years after his death.
7. Newton Was Obsessed with the Bible
The Bible was Sir Isaac’s greatest passion - he wrote more about religion than about science and mathematics! Indeed, Newton calculated the date of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ as April 3, A.D. 33 and the earliest date of the Apocalypse as 2060 A.D.
Whether you believe that Newton is right or wrong about the end of the world, consider another one of his predictions that came true: that the Jews would return to Israel.
Newton actually did more than just calculate the date of Crucifixion and the coming Apocalypse - his obsession was trying to find hidden meanings in the Bible. Indeed, Newton learned Hebrew, spent half his life, and devoted much more time to this pursuit than to science. (Source: Armageddon Online)
8. Newton was an Alchemist
A recently rediscovered papers of Newton revealed his secret interest in alchemy (of turning base metal into gold) and that he wrote extensively about his experiments:
Newton’s alchemical studies were kept secret during his lifetime. The making of gold and silver was a felony under an act of 1404.
Newton was a creature of his time when many scholars believed in a philosopher’s stone that could transmute base metal into gold. They tended to record their studies in wilfully obscure language.
"Give me leave to assert as my opinion," wrote the man who identified the wave nature of light and formulated the laws of motion, "that it is effectual in all the three kingdoms & from every species may be produced when the modus is understood: only mineralls produce minerals & sic de calmis. But the hidden secret modus is Clissus (1) Paracelsi (2) wch is nothing else but the separation of the principles thris purification & reunion in a fusible & penetrating fixity," Newton wrote. (Source: Guardian)
9. Newton Battled Counterfeiters
In 1696, Newton became a warden of the London Mint and was given the task of stopping counterfeiting, which was rampant in those days:
He gathered much of that evidence himself, disguised, while he hung out at bars and taverns. For all the barriers placed to prosecution, and separating the branches of government, English law still had ancient and formidable customs of authority. Newton was made a justice of the peace and between June 1698 and Christmas 1699 conducted some 200 cross-examinations of witnesses, informers and suspects. Newton won his convictions and in February 1699, he had ten prisoners waiting to be executed. He later ordered all records of his interrogations to be destroyed.
10. Newton the Politician Uttered Just One Sentence
Newton was elected as a Member of Parliament in 1689 and served for exactly one year. During that time, he said one and only one sentence during the lengthy proceedings: he asked a nearby usher to close an open, drafty window!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Doubling Your Brain Power
Don't you want to think faster, remember more and comprehend more information? Here are some methods to achieve those results.
Five Steps to Memorizing Anything
1. Believe you will remember
It's easy to think you will forget anyway, be careful of that thought
2. Make it your intention to remember
Just this alone has helped me to not forget immediately the name of someone I just met
3. Visualize
The clearer the better and remember to engage all senses if possible.
4. Command yourself to remember
It seems silly, but it does work.
5. Review
The very next day, review the materials. Then schedule periodic reviews therafter
Listening Techniques
1. Actively listen, fight your minds urge to wander.
2. Ask the question: What is the speaker"s main point?
3. While listening, think of questions you may ask later.
4. Don't let key points pass you by without gaining clarification. If you do, following the rest of the talk will be difficult.
Using the Six Modes of Thinking
Employ each of these when pondering a situation.
1. Objective Thinking
Detach yourself and use logic.
2. Critical Thinking
Look for all negative aspects.
3. Positive Thinking
Look for all positive aspects.
4. Creative Thinking
Think outside the box. Entertain all ideas and don't question the ideas just yet, let them flow. Mind Maps are a good tool for this type of analysis.
5. Intuitive Thinking
Listen to your emotions.
6. Modal Thinking
Examine your personal biases towards the subject.
Evaluating Information
1. Watch for ambiguous language or undefined terms.
2. Examine the source and the authors background.
3. Look for generalizations.
4. Check how current the information is.
5. See if the facts are supported only by analogy.
6. Look for supporting evidence.
7. Where are the facts coming from?
Sunday, August 5, 2007
NDAK, N.C sa lung ai dat kasa ni hpe jaw ai laika
Tinang Computer na Sumla ni hpe laga ni nmai yu hkra galaw mayu yang...
Computer files hkan Header code ni lawm ai. Header code ni gaw Hex number ni re. Hex number ngu ai gaw.. Â o to F re. (0,1,2, ......9, A,B,C,D,E,F) Â Madu na sumla ni hpe makoi da mayu yang Jpeg sumla file ni na Header code hpe galai bang yang mai sai.
How to Download free Music
Online kaw na mahkawn mp3 ni hpe tam na download galaw ai tips nkau mi hpe share galaw dat ai.
25 Websites without We can't live without
Time magazine kaw na "list of  25 websites without we can't live without" hpe bai post galaw dat ai.  Tinang law malawng lang ai sites kade ram lawm ai kun? lawu kaw yu yu ga.
Lists of Bypass sites
MPT hte Bagannet a chyeju majaw anhte Myan mung kaw.. websites law malawng hpe nmai surf ai. "Access Deny " nga error message hpe nkam mu ai manang ni a matu bypass sites loi mi post galaw dat ai..
Happy Birthday !
Internet connection error byin ai majaw online nlu lang ai 3 ya rai sai... dai hpawt she tsam mari connection bai lu na.. ngai na blog de bai lu du ai.. . Mani gaw ngai grai tsaw ra ai NSH Â na shangai nhtoi le.... shi hte gtalk kaw hkrum na matu date da ai raitim.. online access nlu ai majaw shi hte nlu hkrum shaga na grai myit npyaw ai.... ( shana tup ngai hpe la taw ai lam... dai hpawt she email lu hti ai.) Â shi hpang de sa ya na ngu myit da ai.. birthday card hte mahkawn hpe ndai kaw sha post galaw da sana. mahkawn mp3 hpe mediafire kaw upload nlu galaw na lyric hpe sha post da ai.